Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Yes I suck I suck!!!

I'm stopped out on my BIDU at $370. That's two bad trades I made in the past month shiet...terrible

I'm going to start drifting away from stocks that are constantly covered by the media. Because these stocks will not always follow technical analysis due to wall street hype.

AAPL is up again, GOOG nominally up, MOS taking another huge dive just like POT. Visa popped, Mastercard WOW talk about mega pop. Glad I covered that one a while back...

I am sitting back right now re-evaluating my game plan. And licking my wounds from the BIDU...

Long AAPL, GOOG, 25% MOS
No Shorts


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I check your posts and it seems that you are not a Cramerica guy, but you always bid (or comment) stocks that Jim Cramer decide to pick. Even your portfolio is a serious candidate for "I am diversified".

xman said...

I'm not a Cramer lover. In fact I've had many successes doing the opposite of what he says. Which is why sometimes I'll talk about him.

But I gotta say the recent extension in euphoria have definitely caught me off guard. Perhaps I got too pessimistic. But I still deeply believe the markets are due for a correction. Look at his favorite ag stocks. Anyone that listened to him during and bought at 200+ are getting killed.

I'm not always going to be right I admit that from the start.

Joul said...

Dear xman,
I hope my initial intention to bring up BIDU this stock for discussion didn't spark any hatred on me from you. From technical analysis point of view, you are right. But I agree with you that this stock is one of the "investor's sugarbabe" and thus it just flows in the direction of market makers. Keep up with your analysis as it rocks, don't worry about it. We are still in the correction of a correction.


hahighbaby said...

Speaking of Cramer, his company thestreet.com took a sha lacking yesterday. 17% hit. ouch.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


I agree with the another guys. You are doing a great job...congratulations!!!

I do believe that the market is too optimistic right now. Because I am working only with options I hate scenarios like the current ones, where we don't have any direction.

My bids for a sell off COST, WU and WGOV (I have some puts) are decreasing their volumes for at least 04 days but they are still in the same pace.