Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Garmin - Possible Bounce Setting Up?

Garmin (GRMN) is one of those stocks that have simply been annihilated since Christmas. Lower sales forecast, profit margin miss, lackluster forward guidance, have all contributed to this stock's mind blowing 52% freefall year to date and 63% from its all time high. But is now the time to jump in for those of us that have been observing on the sideline?

- Stock is at 52 week low
- Extreme pessimism (very high short interest) could spark short covering on any uptick.
- Options indicates a bet that the stock will reach 60 before options Ex (April 60 calls has 13,392 open contracts)
- Stock is now at the 3 year 200DMA level (as shown on the technical chart)
- All indicators showing a severe oversold status
- Many analyst have downgraded this stock already
- Bad news could already be factored into the stock price
- Panic selling has occurred (notice the huge red volume bars in the past month)
- If the markets bounce hard in the near future (as indicated by previous post by the "necktie" theory, this stock could spurt some buying interest.
- Possible takeover/merger target?

Opinion and plan: Let me be the first to say that my plan is to TRADE this stock, not to invest in it. I believe this is now at a level so oversold where the downside is very limited, but a rally due to short covering could potentially give it a quick 20-30% boost. Unless this stock tanks to 0 and goes bankrupt, this seems to be a golden opportunity to make some fast money.

Buy @ $45. Stop loss at $40. Target price $55-$60. 2 week target.

If the indices continue to consolidate and selloff tomorrow (taking this stock with it), I will most likely initiate my position.

Good luck to us. As Warren Buffet once said: "Buy on FEAR, Sell on Greed" Everyone is jumping ship on Garmin. All the ingrediants seem to be setting up for a nice bounce.

- DL


Nolan said...

another said you would buy if grmn drops tomorrow again..which it did. So you must have a position now. I was only gonna buy if the stock broke the previous days high on Friday which it didn't. One can think
A- the market was extremely bearish and grmn was set for a rebound but got lost in the nasdaqs big decline or B- we still have some further downward selling momentum before this thing bottoms. I think we are very close to the bottom here and I like the chart signs as well. I would like to see a RB or a nice long tail or both..then buy on the next day that breaks the high of the RB or tail. How did you read the volume on April 8th?? I thought that indicated all the selling had been exhausted. I was ready to go long if Friday closed above Thursdays high. I'm interested to see what this week will bring here

let me know

xman said...

I actually did not initiate my position until Friday because on Thursday the market was up and I never buy stocks going long when the market is up. But yes, I have a position now. As far as the volume on 4/8 yes the stock sold off bigtime no doubt about it, and the subsequent days we saw even more selling pressure. My take is right now since the stock is at a near 52 week low I'm willing to take a chance. I cannot say when the rebound will occur but it is my belief that if the stock market bounces hard next week according to technicals, that might produce a short squeeze that could see the stock have some nice upside for a few days. And that is what I am gunning for. I'm not in this for the long haul, I am in it probably no longer than after options ex. And my stop is at 40. I have position starting at 45 and my plan is I will triple my position at 41 if it gets there and if there's still no rebound then I will just move on and no hard feelings. We will see what happens.

Good luck next week