Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Market Update - 4/15

It is tax day...pfft

But with that said, market once again is hovering near flatline. There was a huge pop this morning but it slowly went down the drain and as of 10AM Pst dow up 2, nasdaq down .80, s&p down .26

I am going to utilize the market weakness right now to unload the rest of my short position on RIMM, which is now down 1.24 @ $114.23 as of 10:09AM

Unloading the rest of my Mastercard shorts right now too. It is down $5 @ 222.09. I'll take what I can for now

Garmin taking another beating today down 1 @ $43.16. I'm going to stick with my plan and triple my position if this hits $41. I think it may have a little bit to do with the CROX killing...but they are in completely different sector so hard to say. But the way I see it, I liked it at 45, I'll definitely like it more at 41. But I'll hate it altogether when it goes below $40. lol

I have sold 25% of my MOS position this morning @ $129. Doesn't pay to be greedy in this market. Not especially with the amazing run it has had. Buy price was at $105 = $24 profit. I'm content

Let's see how the rest of the day play out.

25% Short position on X


Anonymous said...

i nice call on the neck tie pop XMAN!!!!

know techical patern

i sold all STLD 37.88 for a $955 gain

on 10k swing trade oh i dont play earning cause thats a fools game

iam holding only rimm long sold NONE bet it hits 125-135 zone before a pullback its holding down its 20ma nice big money holding strong arm RIMM too the upside

i got stop of grmn the other day oh well a $150 loss well

you cant win them all Xman keep on with market calls of the market indexs i love and can do sector HOT report too sorry not trying too be greedly man

and you do a one new swing trade per day or every 2 days

iam swing trader not investor or daytrader

hope got some stld with me man

i hope got out X short today

i see hard short hot sectors
thats sucks

keep the good work XMan

by my is john thanks for chart made for on stld i love it

happy tradeing too all xman and all readers too!!

xman said...

Very nice to hear. No unfortunately I didn't get in on STLD. And given its mega pop today I am kicking myself for sure. But hey, I'll always be on the lookout for new opportunities.

Thanks for giving me the headsup on it though. I'll definitely be watching that one from now on. And please do continue to contribute new ideas. Thanks for reading and good luck!